Durham Skin Lab
Manufacturer of skincare, healthcare products and stability/microbiology testing service.
Durham Skin Lab
Manufacturer of skincare, healthcare products and stability/microbiology testing service.
Manufacturer of skincare, healthcare products and stability/microbiology testing service.
Manufacturer of skincare, healthcare products and stability/microbiology testing service.
Specialist in natural plant components extraction, purification and skin care formulation. For business and individual care.
We offer stability (shelf-life) and microbiology testing for your products.
Brand your products with your business name today. We will make your products unique and effective.
We also offer personalised skin care products bases on individual skin condition.
We are a basic pharmaceuticals, cosmetics skin care manufacturing facility and laboratory for your cosmetics testing services. Established in collaboration with Durham University Venture Lab and an award winning patent holders for skin care products, our team includes international academic researchers and medical dermatologists. From individuals one-to-one consumer consultation to busines-to-business, we will help you develop your own skin care products, from formulation to testing and registration with strict privacy.
Here at Durham Skin Lab, we believe in the power of natural ingredients. Our founder, is an academic who patented several treatments from natural products. Our achievements include winning the Durham University post-graduate research Illuminate Challange, the gold medal in the International Invention Fair and the UK First High Growth award.
Do you have questions about our services? Do you need help in designing your skin care regimen? Drop us a line, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Unit 2B, Drum Industrial Estate, Chester-Le-street, Durham DH7 6TH